I’m frequently asked “what is lean?”, so here’s a very short answer which I think captures the essence of it.
Lean is a way of thinking which will transform the way you do business, saving you time, money and improving the quality of what you produce.
It’s a toolkit of techniques and practices which can solve business problems, reduce variation, optimise processes and eliminate waste.
It’s about understanding what adds value for the customer, doing more of that and not wasting time on what they don’t value.
It’s a habit you get into of always asking “how do we get better?”, then taking actions so that we improve a little bit every day.
So that’s Lean in a nutshell.
If you want to know more, join my list! I send a weekly email, packed with handy insights on Lean and a sprinkle of other productivity nuggets. No sales pitches, just a free weekly dose of useful know-how.